Together with the motivated team of the four-star-superior hotel Viertler in Avelengo, Florian, Stefan and Andreas dedicate themselves passionately to your well-being. They are always thinking about new ways to make you happy and your stay memorable. They try to anticipate your every wish, but of course it does not always work. That is why they are very happy to hear about your wishes, suggestions or simply have a nice chat with you. This way the hotel Viertler can develop further. Since 1975 the hotel has been in the same family. Since then a lot has changed. From the cosy 2-star inn it transformed into a comfortable four-star hotel under expert leadership. Now Stefan Reiterer is your host and lifts the house to four-star-superior classification with the help of his father Florian, his mother Monika, his brother Andreas and the long-standing team of the Viertler.